January 24, 2025
New Enhanced Fertility Benefit
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 19% of married women aged 15 to 49 in the United States with no prior births are unable to achieve pregnancy after one year of trying, And, of course, single parents and same-sex couples also struggle with fertility and family planning.
In order to be as responsive as possible to its’ members, the Bucks and Montgomery County Schools (BMCS) Health Care Consortium voted at the December 19, 2024, Board Meeting, to enhance the fertility benefit for the OC1, OC2 and OC3 plans.
Effective February 1, 2025, coverage for Artificial Insemination will be provided for the OC1, OC2 and OC3 plans as part of infertility treatment. Coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of an underlying medical condition has already been provided and remains unchanged.
Previously, the OC1, OC2 and OC3 plans only covered services (tests, etc.) to “diagnosis” infertility.
Note: Artificial Insemination was already covered under the POS plan since it includes benefits for the diagnosis AND treatment for infertility.
If you have questions about coverage, please contact Aetna Member Services at 1-800-293-3536.
Don’t forget to register for the upcoming Hinge Health webinar (below) or you can click here to watch previous webinars.

Join the Hinge Health Webinar!
February 12 @ 1pm EST
Healthy Aging and Bone Health
Click Here to register today! We hope to see you there!
Employees and dependents 18+ enrolled in an Aetna® medical plan through BMCS Health Care Consortium are eligible. Questions? Email: [email protected] | Phone: (855) 902-2777.

The Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium
Benefits Basics is intended for distribution to members enrolled in the Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium insurance plan. The Summary Plan Description available at the website provides full details of all coverage including exceptions and limitations.