July 15, 2024
Summer Fun Physical Activity in the Water
Typically, summertime brings us warmer temperatures and an increased amount of outdoor activities. You might be looking for ways to stay active and stay COOL. Have no fear, the pool is here! Aquatic activities provide an opportunity for an excellent workout, especially for those with joint issues or for those who don’t prefer the high-impact activities, such as jogging, lifting, etc. Some aquatic exercises you can incorporate into your pool time are water aerobics, water walking/running, treading water, submerged resistance training and lap swimming.
Click here to find out the benefits of aquatic exercising and some things to be aware of when taking part in these activities.

The Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium
Benefits Basics is intended for distribution to members enrolled in the Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium insurance plan. The Summary Plan Description available at the website provides full details of all coverage including exceptions and limitations.