June 14, 2024
Reminder: General Preventive Care
Most people don’t think about going to the doctor until they get sick. Did you know that regular visits to your primary care physician can keep you healthier, and even help you avoid bigger, costlier issues in the future? Here are the four reasons you should keep up with regular visits; early detection and prevention, chronic conditions, personalized care/building trust and cost savings.
Click Here to read more about why you should see your doctor regularly.
Speaking of preventive care, June is Men’s Health month! Only 60% of men go to the doctor for a yearly routine check up, and 40% won’t go until something is seriously wrong. Find those numbers alarming? Take action now!
- Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician at least once per year
- Get a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Consider seeing a therapist if mental health is a concern
- Using the My Health Finder website, input your age to discover what screenings and preventive tests are important for you
- Encourage the men in your life to do the same
Want to learn more? Click Here.

The Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium
Benefits Basics is intended for distribution to members enrolled in the Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium insurance plan. The Summary Plan Description available at the website provides full details of all coverage including exceptions and limitations.