January 17, 2024
HUSK Fitness Discounts
Wellness services from the best brands in the industry.
Achieving optimal health and wellness doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Access exclusive best-in-class pricing with some of the biggest brands in fitness, nutrition, and wellness with HUSK Marketplace.
As part of the HUSK Marketplace program, you are eligible for exclusive discounts on:
- Gym & Fitness Centers
- One example: Planet Fitness, cost is $24.99/month for a black card but as a HUSK marketplace member you do not have to pay the enrollment fee or annual fee!
- Discounts based on location and gym. Visit HUSK to get started!
- On-Demand Fitness
- One example: Save $10 when you use the Trainwell App. Additional apps and discounts available.
- Home Equipment & Tech
CLICK HERE to learn more and visit the HUSK Marketplace!

Join the Hinge Health Webinar!
February 12 @ 1pm EST
Healthy Aging and Bone Health
Click Here to register today! We hope to see you there!
Employees and dependents 18+ enrolled in an Aetna® medical plan through BMCS Health Care Consortium are eligible. Questions? Email: [email protected] | Phone: (855) 902-2777.

The Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium
Benefits Basics is intended for distribution to members enrolled in the Bucks and Montgomery County Schools Health Care Consortium insurance plan. The Summary Plan Description available at the website provides full details of all coverage including exceptions and limitations.